Using Process Of Insulin Powder.

 Preparation :

User has to prepare it like black tea by adding 3 gm apprx in 150 ml water and boil it
for 5 minutes, without milk and sugar.  Then filter and drink  the decoction at your comfortable heat.
Each container has one white spoon.       

Dosage :

User should take two times a day in the morning at empty stomach  and evening once before dinner, for 45  to 60 days  initially and thereafter once in the morning is enough.

Type 2  (Tablet dependent) diabetes will get control over sugar level in 45 days

Type 1  (Insulin injection dependent). diabetes will get control over sugar level  in  90 days.

User should take sugar test (without  taking any tablets/injection – prior 24 hours) before starting  this supplementary product, to compare the result after  45/90 days  for Type 2 & Type 1 respectively.

User can reduce their Allopathic medicine step by step  between 30 to 90 days in 2 to 4 installments  and stop in to based on sugar test report, body comfort level and as well as  individual judgment .

Wish you early control of sugar level…

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